Monday, June 11, 2018

Blog #3: Job shadow

Welcome back to "So you wannabe a Surgical Technician"  on today's post I will be talking about my job shadow with "Four Paws Veterinary Center."

How I got my job shadow:

My teacher set up a day where the whole class got to meet with our schools career research counselor. We told her what career we would be interested in and she took it from there. She sent me the email address of the office manager of "Four Paws Veterinary Center." I then sent the office manager an email of my resume and told her I was interested in a job shadow in a Surgical Technician and what days I was available. She then responded and said she had checked with everyone to confirm if it was alright. Then told me what time to come in and what time I leave.

What happen at the Job shadow:

When I got to the animal hospital I introduce myself to the front desk and they took me back to where all the procedures happen and I met the surgical technologists. They introduced themselves and told me what they were doing. In the mornings they have all their patients names and procedures in order on a white board. They then to proceed to take the patients history logs and prepare medicines and make sure all the machines and tools are working right. after that is all set they then prep the patient for surgery. I got to actually witness two surgery's! What I witnessed before surgery they cleaned the incision sight with three different disinfectants. When they applied it they started from the middle and in a circular motion moved towards the outside of the incision sight. The explained that the circular motion prevents germs and bacteria from getting back to the incision sight. They also help the surgeon with his gown. What I noticed during surgery is that one of the technicians helped pass tools to the surgeon . While the other technician watched and took the patients vitals the hole time. She explained she took the patients vitals to look for any changes in the patient so nothing would go wrong with the procedure. After surgery they cleaned up and continued to take the patients vital signs and also watched the incision sight. Then began to prep the next procedure.

I loved the how the job shadow went and I learned a lot about the job and the atmosphere. It definitetly made me more confident in the choice of my career. So if your not sure about your career I would definitetly apply for a job shadow. It helps a lot trust me.


“Person Using Black Blood Pressure Monitor.” Free Stock Photos,

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